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New features of nfsAxe 3.7 2. Major differences from nfsAxe 3.6 3. Major differences nfsAxe 3.6 from nfsAxe 3.5 4. Undocumented features 5. Known problems 2. Major differences from nfsAxe 3.6 2.1. The following enhancements have been made: 1. Ftp: - any foreign SOCKS4 server may be used in "FTP via SOCKS4" mode (earlier - only own Telnet/SSH's ones) - most IBM MVS filesystems are processed with file-/directory- attributes - the "Auto" Server Type item is added. Applicable in most cases. 2. Ping: - the IP- and Port- scanning is improved - some TCP servers may be checked more carefully (HTTP, SMTP, POP3, IMAP, SSH , SPOP3/asSSL) 3. NFS-Server and NFS-Server as NT Service: - "export.xml" file is used from now instead of the "". Automatical convertation is provided. - standalone NFS-Settings facility with much more settings is implemented - the exported name of share item may be vary to provide any external name for sharing resource (e.g. "/rfiles" for "C:\nfsexport") - the "rwSizePref" and "topMaxbytes" settings are implemented to limit the rsize/wsize NFS buffers. Actual for, say, VmWare ESX NFS-Client in NFS-3/TCP mode. - the usage of NFS(2,3) version and/or transport (UDP,TCP) protocols are controlled now by corresponding settings - two assistant settings are implemented for CreateFile of NFG-2 protocol to provide NFS-3 - like modes for CreateFile request - Guarded and CreateAsCreOpen, which is useful for some especial NFS-Clients. - the "Verbose" trace mode has the influence on the NFS_ss.exe/Service also 4. NFS-Client for MS Windows 2K/2K3/XP/Vista win32 and/or x64: - the installation under Windows 7 and Server 2008 is available - better process of the exports with very many files - modified the ShortName generation method - Shell Extention Property Sheet DLL (XWPSHELL.DLL) is available under Vista also - our standard Network Provider Name "XwpNTrdr" may be changed to any ASCII. Actual for applications with built-in processing of "net use" output. - NFS-Client NFSDrive : - the new CheckBox "Explore" controls the starting of Windows Explorer after drive mapping (earlier - always) - NFS-Client Settings : - "LDAP" tab - the prefix "CN=Users" removed to provide the global searching in DB - the "Enable TCP Reconnection" settings allows the dynamic reconnections to NFS-Server after network restarting (actual for, say, unstable WiFi) - "Network" tab - the "TimeOut Period" setting is in seconds now (earlier - in msec) with 1..50000 sec limits 5. NFS-Client for MS Windows/x64 : - NFS-ClientX64 NFS-Client for Windows/x64 was built-in in the package and is installed via usual Installation procedure. - The NFS-ClientX64 may be installed under MS Server 2008 64bit - The Shell Extention Property Sheet DLL (XWPSHL64.DLL) is implemented 6. Startup: - "joblist.xml" file is used from now instead of the "joblist.ini". Automatical convertation is provided. - the Status bar shows your actual "DisplayName" value and"ini"-file specification. - the specific name of joblist file may be set in each your "xwp.ini" file - the new "Close Job" button implemented to dismiss the usage of the another "ini"-file (which was loaded because of "Open Job.." action) - any foreign SOCKS4 server may be used (earlier - only own Telnet/SSH's ones) 7. NFS-Client SDK: - the C++ "nfsc1_t" sample test which uses the "nfsc_ipp" sample XwpNFS-SDK toolkit classes is implemented. Full sources of "nfsc1_t" sample test project are freely available. - the C++ "nfsc_ipp" sample XwpNFS-SDK toolkit as interface to low-level NFSLib32.dll XwpNFS-SDK API with three XwpNFS-SDK toolkit classes (XWPNfsClConn, XWPNfsClDirList and XWPNfsClFile) are implemented. The direct usage of low-level NFSLIb32.dll XwpNFS-SDK API (nfslib32.h, nfslibex.h, nfslib32.lib) is obsolete now. Full sources of "nfsc_ipp" sample XwpNFS-SDK toolkit project are freely available. - more NFS operations (rm, rmdir, mkdir, rename ) are available in the limited free demo-version of low-level NFSLib32.dll XwpNFS-SDK API. The limited free demo NFSLib32.dll XwpNFS-SDK API is freely available. - directories with very many files and/or very long filenames are available for browsing now - the sample libNFSC.cpr settings file are more useful and informational now. 8. Ftp/NFSViewer: - more remote operations (rm, rmdir, mkdir, rename ) are available in the libNFSC.DLL NFS-Viewer, limited free demo-version of the full NFS-Browser plug-in, based on the XwpNFS-SDK API. The limited free demo libNFSC.dll is freely available. - directories with very many files and/or very long filenames are available for browsing now - the sample libNFSC.cpr settings file are more useful and informational now. 9. Settings: - The XStartup facility can be started from the Run -> XServer tab. Is actual if you use variable name of JobList file in different "xwp.ini" - files. 2.2. The following bugs have been fixed: 1. Ftp: - the "HideDrives" settings may lead to crash if network drive(s) is presented in Windows list of drives. 2. NFS-Server and NFS-Server as NT Service: - ReaddirPlus crashed sometimes with very long directories if rsize/wsize are too small, may take place the leaks of items or application crash. - the "UselongReadDirPlus=1" mode is reanimated and significantly improved. But for very long directories we recommend to use the "timeo=..." option on the "mount" with reasonable timeout (say, 1000). - many_f(30,5000,15000)/NFS3 is tested: tcp/udp, 1K/32K, Uselong...=0/1 - "super-long" filenames leaded to "RPC error:cannot transmit". (now the Alrternate filename 8.3 is used) - checks that the files are exist (important for volatile directories) to prevent the empty reply on readdir[plus] - the "RPC error: cannot transmit" message took place if RPC READDIR[plus] or read requests contained auth "verifier" item - the "RPC error: cannot transmit" message took place on some NFS-3 read requests (with very short and very long rsize/wsize attributes) - the rsize/wsize lehgths in replies are more correct now - the full local DOS(!) path returned sometimes (instead of clear file name) on NFS rename request - more correct processed the "violent files' life", when any file/directory may be created/changed locally as well as via NFS (including active local removing of deep subdirectories) - more correct NFSERR code is sent on Errors after : CreateDirectory, RemoveDirectory, CreateFile and ReadFile - correct processing of V3/EXCLUSIVE CreateFile (return NFSERR_NOTSUPP) - nfs_create supports now the size/atime/mtime attributes Actual for some VmWare ESX NFS-Client to set correct date for files. - nfs_write/NFS-3 and nfs_setattr/NFS-3 provide the "before_attr3" now. - restarting the NFS server, sometimes confuses the vxWorks NFS client, by having the exports in a different order. - CreateFile locked the processing file even it opened only for shareable reading as result, local access to such as files was blocked (e.g. cygwin's "tail -f file" watching was impossible). 3. NFS-Client for MS Windows 2K/2K3/XP/Vista win32 and/or x64: - sometimes the leaks in the listing of export took place - the clearing of pending TDI requests is more correct now (the BSOD took place if very many files on export) - BSOD took place if the NFS-Server did not send the file ShortName in reply - under Vista the NPDLL's trace file was not copied on reboot - incorrect returning Error codes of NPGetConnection() and NPCancelConnection() requests leaded to problems(even BSOD) for other Windows Network Providers. E.g., LanMan's mappings were marked by the red cross in MyComputer explorer and could not be unmapped sometimes - fixed the wrong execution from DOS the rename command with the "*" in the target - fixed the wrong execution from DOS the copy.. command if the current directory was not the root one - undocumented requests to driver (unedr Vista+SP1) are processed. - the BSOD under Vista+SP1 took place in DOS after Ctrl+C in intensive copy-fc-del commands loop - was no unmapping after the UNC access, i.e. new settings did not have any influence on such as mapped exports (up to Windows reboot). - the result of UNC execution of "NET USE", w/o local name, e.g."NET USE \\Srv\ShNam", was invisible in the "NET USE" output and could not be dismounted by "NET USE /DELETE \\Srv\ShNam" command or via Windows Explorer - sometimes (depends on the filename length) some EXE- file cannot be started from Explorer under Vista/UAC with the wrong message "the specified path does not exist". - file was not copied using the "Copy" item of Explorer pop-up menu (by the right mouse button) in the same directory with the standard "Copy of " name prefix. - unexpected(by Windows) driver registration prevented to run some MSI files under Windows 2003 Server with the wrong error message "Windows Installer Not Accessible". - the mapping by "Reconnect at Logon" mode (during the next Logon) could provide the deadlock(under Vista) and BSOD(WinXp+SP3) while the earlier Authorization dialog box is on Desktop. - NFS-Client NFSDrive : - the horizontal scrolling is added to wotk with long names of exports 4. NFS-Client for MS Windows/x64 : - installing this under Win2003R2/x64 server killed the Windows RPC service. As result, disabled a lot of network related services and protocols. 5. Startup: - the actual DisplayNumber is used in starting telnet/SSH (earlier "X11 Forwarding" used only DisplayNumber=0); - the correct toggling of the "iniSpf" attribute of creating jobs is provided after each "Open Job.." action 6. Ftp/NFSViewer: - the mount connection was not closed after mount operation completion - was not operational if non-single network card presented - mount used non-reserved (>1024) local port number, as result, some mount-servers rejected the connection as non-trusted - LOOKUP requests were wrong sometimes - the incorrect FreeSize calculation in ReadDir[Plus] reply was fixed - some settings (XWPBroadTime, XWPRetryNumber, XWPTimeOut and XWPTraceLevel) are loaded from selected ".cpr" file more correct. 7. Settings: - Was not refreshed the state of buttons on the after Run -> NFS-Server servive -> Start service - On the Troubleshooting tab the "IP address to access to XServer" setting was processed incorrectly (reversed). 8. NFS-Client SDK: - the mount connection was not closed after mount operation completion - was not operational if non-single network card presented - mount used non-reserved (>1024) local port number, as result, some mount-servers rejected the connection as non-trusted - LOOKUP requests were wrong sometimes - the incorrect FreeSize calculation in ReadDir[Plus] reply was fixed - some settings (XWPBroadTime, XWPRetryNumber, XWPTimeOut and XWPTraceLevel) are loaded from selected ".cpr" file more correct. 9. XDK: - X-Client can load xwpwsock.dll non-only times without crash. 9. Telnet: - In the file telnet.out password and user-id were logged unencrypted. 3. Major differences nfsAxe 3.6 from nfsAxe 3.5 3.1. The following enhancements have been made: 1. Ftp: - the "HideDrives" optional setting implemented to provide the disk drives' visibility. This allows you to reflect the Windows User Configuration -> Windows Components -> Windows Explorer Policy Settings. You can also provide your own drives' visibility; - in the SFTP mode the ASCII/BINARY transfer mode switching was implemented (same as FTP mode). Important note. Since the added feature is non-standard for SFTP,please make sure you are aware that the initial state of transfer mode is "BINARY". - the "NFS-Browser" mode was implemented to allow access to any remote NFS-Server's export without any NFS-Client installed on a local PC. It is the demo of the "NFS-Client SDK" usage. The "trNFSbr.cpr" file may be pointed in the "CPR file" input field to enable the full tracing. 2. NFS-Server: - to avoid the error message at shutdown of the PC with the NFS-Server running, the "GracefulExit=0" manual setting was implemented; - the Unicode/UTF8 mode was implemented; - the "Use UTF8 Name Format" setting is available in the "NFS-Server Settings"; - the "umask=code" optional setting was implemented to provide the understandable control of the files permissions. The default value is the traditional umask=0022. The "FL_MITXELENA=1" setting is obsolete as subset of umask. - the 8.3 filename is used in non-Unicode mode for files with non-ANSI long filenames. - the "Exports" tab (the "Settings" item of Taskbar menu) is available now if the NFS-Server is started with "-RunOnTaskbar" option. 3. NFS-Client for MS Windows NT4/2K/2K3/XP/Vista: - the empty "net use server:export" command line is now allowed to allow UNC access to NFS-Servers; - the Unicode/UTF8 mode was implemented. The mounting exports must still be in ANSI only; - the "NFS Settings -> Permissions -> Remember ROFS (Read Only File System)Reply" setting was implemented to block the Write(), MKDIR(), CreateFile(), Rename(), SetFileAttributes() operation on the NFS Server and return the STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED. - NFS-Client can be installed now under MS Windows Server 2003 R2. - the "super-silent" installation was implemented to provide the mode of "invisible" installation of the NFS-Client as the part of a foreign package; - The NFS-Client now supports the "CheckDirList" request of the NFS-Client mini-DDK. It provides "pseudo" re-mapping(re-mount) actions for UNC-way access of "bad" remote NFS-Servers which can unpredictably restart sometimes. The checknfs.exe utility is the sample implementation of this (see the checknfs.txt for details). - Processed the "sophisticated rename/delete MS Windows file operation" when long- and short- filenames are used very specifically during the first 15 seconds. (see MSDN Library "File Name Aliases" article). This is for the "Aditor" text editor; - The "NFS Settings -> Name Converting -> Remember Long Name Alias" setting was implemented to provide a "sophisticated rename/delete MS Windows file operation" mode; - The Authentication(PCNFSd and/or LDAP) usage are much more flexible now. Four new settings are now implemented : - "NFS Settings -> Authentication -> Ask Authentication for each connecting attempt" - "NFS Settings -> Authentication -> Use NFS Authentication during MS Windows Login" - "NFS Settings -> Authentication -> Use MS Login Name/Password for NFS Authentication" - In "NFS Client Authentication" Dialogbox has added the "Anonymous" button to set UID=-2 and GID=-2 for Unix Authentication - The LDAP Authentication was implemented to access the LDAP Active Directory Servers of Windows 2003 R2 Standart Edition and/or Enterprise Edition. The mentioned Standard and Enterprise Editions have different schemes and require the additional tuning of the NFS-Client(see ldaptest.txt for details); - The "NFS Settings -> Authentication -> Use LDAP v3 Server" setting was implemented to allow LDAP usage for Unix NFS Authentication; - The "Permissions" tab is divided to "Authentication" and "Permissions"; - The "NFS Settings -> Permissions -> Use NULL Secure DACL" setting was implemented to set NULL DACL as parameter in any file operations. - The "NFS Settings -> Name Converting -> Use this symbol as prefix for reaserved Windows names" setting is implemented to mark the reserved names as AUX, CON, NUL, and etc. By defauld is "^". - The "NFS Settings -> Advanced -> NFS3 write synchronization mode" setting was implemented to set Asynchronous or Synchronous NFS-3 write mode. This has critical influence on the writing performance. 4. XStartup: - the "Disconnect" button was implemented for RLogin/RExec/RSH modes to process the possible infinite (with disabled "Exit after timeout of" setting) timeout carefully; - the "LogFile" settings is available for RLogin 5. NFS-Client SDK: - this all-sufficient Software Development Kit (SDK) can be run from your programs to provide access to exported resources of the NFS-Servers. Its application program interface (API) is similar to the standard one of MS I/O "File Management Functions" API. Full NFS-protocol access is provided without the necessity of using any other software (that can be installed on your PC and usually named as "NFS-Client for MS Windows"). 3.2. The following bugs have been fixed: 1. Telnet: - the "Log All session output" provides now the same with the "Log Prontable output only" Logging mode (wrongly did nothing, what is unexpected). 2. NFS-Server and NFS-Server as NT Service: - a little memory leaking was fixed. This problem might be visible after 1..2 weeks of the NFS-Server application running; - NFS-Server returned sometimes the incorrect EXECUTE attribute in the ACCESS NFS-protocol reply. As result, some NFS-Clients failed to start the executable file on Unix side; - the "rename" NFS-protocol request was answered with incorrect data. In most NFS-Clients the reply of the "rename" was ignored, but Fedora's one uses it. As result, the rename operation (e.g., "mv testfile1 t1" command) leaded to the "Stale Handler" on "ls" execution; - the NFS-Server might crash if the "enable logging (to NFSLOG.TXT)" setting enabled; - the crash took place if NFS-Client sent the wrong/incorrect file handle. 3. NFS-Client for MS Windows NT4/2K/2K3/XP/Vista: - NFSDRIVE and NFSALIAS crashed if the NFS-Server's export list contained item(s) with non-ASCII symbols; - the space(blanc) symbols are allowed now in the mounting export path as well as in Windows Alias name; - incorrect error message took place as result of changing of Unix Attributes via MS Explorer. 4. XStartup: - In rlogin mode the XStartup sends two end-line symbols (CR and LF) instead of the correct one (CR). This unexpected carriage-return symbol might lead to incorrect action of the "read" operation on the remote side. 4. Undocumented Features 1. Comsetup: - Implemented the "Disable Log Output" setting to prevent attempts to write in the ".out" and ".ini" files from any of the package's features. 2. Ping (renovated): - The "*" wild card symbol may be used once in the IP address (in both IPv4 and/or IPv6 cases) to scan 256 hosts on the LAN. Examples of correct IP addresses: "192.168.0.*", "fe80::250:baff:fef2:*42%4". 3. Ftp: - To enter in the FXP mode, the "Server"->"FXP/FTP Connect" menu item must be chosen to log on the second remote host after the usual FTP log on the first host was completed. After this the left FTP's pane will represent the 2nd remote FTP server; - the "HideDrives=0" line can be inserted into the "[ftp]" section of the xwp.ini file to provide the visibility of all disk drives and to avoid the influence of policy in the Windows Server 2003 to hide local hard disks for Terminal Services users. The additional own control of drives' visibility may also be provided. Examples: - "HideDrives=ADF" - hide additionally "A:", "D:" and "F:" drives; - "HideDrives=0ADF" - hide only(!) "A:", "D:" and "F:" drives. 4. Telnet: - The "SelectRect=0" line can be inserted into the "[telnet]" section of the xwp.ini file to set the selection by filling mode, which provides the traditional text highlighting selection. - The "QuickClipBoard=1" line can be inserted into the "[telnet]" section of the xwp.ini file to set the "Quick Copy to Clipboard" mode, when the "Copy" performed on release of the left mouse button. - The "CtrlCVmode=3" line can be inserted into the "[telnet]" section of the xwp.ini file to exactly set the traditional "Copy"/"Paste" key combination ("Ctrl+C"/"Ctrl+V"). Be careful, because in this mode you cannot send to remote application another "traditional" key combination "Ctrl+C" (break event). The "CtrlCVmode=5" is the default ("Ctrl_L+Shift_L+C"/"Ctrl_L+Shift_L+V"). 5. NFS-Server: - The "WebNFS Enable"/"Unset as WebNFS" buttons of the "NFS-Server Settings" dialog allow/disable the WebNFS support. - The "NOSubDirectory=0" line can be inserted into the "[NFSSERVER]" section of the xwp.ini file to disable the ability to mount a subdirectory of a shared one. - Included the "EmulateUnixDirTimeOnFATFS" manual setting for FATFS exports. The "EmulateUnixDirTimeOnFATFS=0" line can be inserted into the "[NFSSERVER]" section of the xwp.ini file. This provides the mode when on each changing in the directory only once the "modified time" attribute of the ACCESS or GETATTR requests "runs forward". But next requests will be answered with a "true" directory "modified time" value. This is useful when only one Client operates with export (and NO aside changes), because the Client sees expected directory date/times. The "EmulateUnixDirTimeOnFATFS=1" setting is the default. This provides the mode when the "modified time" attribute of the ACCESS or GETATTR requests "runs forward". This is useful to force any connected NFS-Client to re-read the directory listing. This is of great importance when non-single mounting of export is made; - The "GracefulExit=0" line can be inserted into the "[NFSSERVER]" section of the xwp.ini file to provide the silent termination of the NFS-Server running; - The "umask=code" line can be inserted into the "[NFSSERVER]" section of the xwp.ini file. The values of "code" are the same with the Unix's trditional ones. !!! do not forget to type the lead '0' (i.e. do NOT use the "umask=770" line !!!). Please remove (if you used) the obsolete (but usable) "FL_MITXELENA=1" setting. - The "EnableWriteCaching=0" line can be inserted into the "[NFSSERVER]" section of the xwp.ini file to provide an equivalent to the Unix's "Sync" NFS-Server mode; 6. NFS-Client for Windows NT4/2K/2K3/XP/Vista: - The "NFS-Client Settings"->Advanced->"Enable mounting of subdirectories" setting must be enabled to allow mounting a subdirectory of a shared one (if the remote NFS-Server allows that). - The NFSSetup installation utility allows the "silent" installation mode. The "nfssetup.exe PathToMainPackage IconName -q" command line provides this; - The "NFS Settings -> Name Converting -> Use UTF8 Name format" setting must be enabled to work with File and Directory Names in Unicode/UTF8 format. The mounting of exports must be still in ANSI only. - The "NFS Settings -> Permissions -> Remember ROFS (Read Only File System)Reply" setting must be enabled to block the Write(), MKDIR(), CreateFile(), Rename(), SetFileAttributes() operation on the NFS Server and return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED. Useful for ReadOnly exported resources, because it decreases the quantity of faulted NFS-protocol requests; - The "NFS Settings -> Name Converting -> Remember Long Name Alias" setting must be enabled to remember and restore the long name of files if it was renamed/deleted by a short name (15 seconds). (see MSDN "File Name Aliases" article). Is is real for the "Aditor" text editor. - The "NFS Settings -> Authentication -> Ask Authentication for each connecting attempt" setting must be enabled to set the UID/GID for each new connection. - The "NFS Settings -> Authentication -> Use NFS Authentication during MS Windows Login" setting must be enabled to ask the authentication immediately after the user logs in. - The "NFS Settings -> Authentication -> Use MS Login Name/Password for NFS Authentication" setting must be enabled to use the Microsoft Login user name and password to NFS authentication by PCNFSd or LDAP. - In "NFS Client Authentication" Dialogbox has added the "Anonymous" button to set UID=-2 and GID=-2 for Unix Authentication - When the LDAP evaluation time is over or the "xwpldap.dll" is absent, the corresponding "LDAP" tab of the NFS Client Settings is invisible. - The LDAP Active Directory of Windows 2003 R2 Standard and Enterprise Edition(s) have different schemes and requires the additional tuning of the NFS-Client. For LDAP Authentication need to fiil next filds: NFS Settings -> LDAP -> Authentication Server. NFS Settings -> LDAP -> UserName Attribute Name. NFS Settings -> LDAP -> Uid Attribute Name. NFS Settings -> LDAP -> Gid Attribute Name If LDAP Server is Server2003 R2 Standard Edition: UserName Attribute Name = "uid" Uid Attribute Name= "uidNumber" Gid Attribute Name= "gidNumber" If LDAP Server is Server2003 R2 Enterprise Edition: UserName Attribute Name = "msSFU30Name" Uid Attribute Name= "msSFU30UidNumber" Gid Attribute Name= "msSFU30GidNumber" - The "Permissions" tab is divided to "Authentication" and "Permissions"; - The "NFS Settings -> Permissions -> Use NULL Secure DACL" setting must be enabled to set NULL DACL as the parameter in any file operations. - The "NFS Settings -> Name Converting -> Use this symbol as a prefix for reaserved Windows names" setting must be enabled to mark the reserved names as AUX, CON, NUL, and etc. By defauld it is "^". - The "NFS Settings -> Advanced -> NFS3 write synchronization mode" setting must be enabled to set Asynchronous or Synchronous NFS-3 write mode. This has critical influence on the writing performance. 7. Settings: - Implemented the "enable RENDER Extension" setting; - the "Troubleshooting"->"Enable XKEYBOARD Extension" setting allows the "XKEYBOARD" Extension"; - the "Advanced"->"Reduce heavy Graphic" setting allows you to suppress the slow drawing (e.g., "picture over picture"); - the "Troubleshooting"->"Emulate WM window substrate" setting is the special mode for some non-standard X11-Clients which require the existance of the parent window for the client window as the sign of Window Manager existance. 8. Startup: - the "Disconnect" button was implemented for RLogin/RExec/RSH modes to process the possible infinite (with disabled "Exit after timeout of" setting) timeout carefully. 5.Known problems 1. Lpd: - Printers on the remote MS Windows NT4 hosts are unavailable from the local host under MS Windows NT4. 2. NFS-Server: - There can be problems on PCs with several IP addresses. - Some Linux NFS-3 Clients may issue an error message (about the wrong file ID) because of wrong packets unwrapping in the Linux's "nfs3xdr.c" module. 3. NFS-Client: - the advanced access via UNC under WinXP/SP2 is available if the "RDPNP" Network Provider is after the "LanmanWorkstation" one in the "ProviderOrder" parameter. The typical "ProviderOrder" value of the "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\NetworkProvider\Order]" key might have the folowed value : "ProviderOrder"="XwpNTrdr,LanmanWorkstation,RDPNP,WebClient" Under Win2003 the mentioned advanced access via UNC is available if the Service Pack 1 is installed; - The PC must be restarted after you change the license file, "xwpdllid.dll". - Can fail when connecting to an NFS server on another PC under Windows 9x if both PCs have Client/Server for Microsoft Networks installed. ----------------- PLEASE NOTE: ----------------- The programs associated in this package may send and/or receive broadcast IP requests. Since such packets cannot cross the nearest firewall/gateway/router, please be sure that these IP requests are invisible from outside your network. We assume that such behavior cannot be considered as "Hacking" or "Trojan horse's action". |
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