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Emulating Linux

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Q: Is AceaXe Plus a Windows Linux Emulator?

A: It works like a Linux Emulator, but as a Windows PC X Server it does actually MUCH more.
X Server Terminology Remarks:

X Window System and Client-Server concept can be a bit complicated issues especially when adopted to Windows environment. It leads easily to false terminology. Often when people refer to pc x servers they use terms that describe quite well the use and functionality but are actually faulty if we take a deeper look at the  technology behind pc x servers. The following list of the "emulator" related terms that people use instead of pc x server has been collected from support requests that our support team has processed during the years: 

  • xwindows emulator
  • linux emulator
  • unix emulator
  • xserver emulator
  • xclient emulator
  • xterminal emulator
  • xemulator
  • x windows emulator
  • x server emulator
  • x client emulator
  • x terminal emulator
  • x emulator

If you ended up to this page by using some of the above terms on search engine, you probably came to right page and web-site, we just wanted point out this terminology issue.

What is it then?

To say it as short as possible: AceaXe Plus is a PC X Server. When installed on Windows PC, AceaXe Plus makes it possible to open and use x clients (applications based on x window protocol) from remote host on windows desktop. If you want to use Unix or Linux on Windows desktop, AceaXe Plus is the correct software for you.




AceaXe Plus
64-/32-bit X-server and ssh-client
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