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64-bit Windows XServer

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LabF's Flagship - AceaXe Plus - 64-bit Windows XServer (+ 32bit X + SSH + NFS)

AceaXe Plus Windows XServer Package Content:
  1. Windows XServer (64-bit )
  2. Windows XServer (32-bit )
  3. Windows NFS Client
  4. Windows NFS Server
  5. Windows SSH Client

AceaXe Plus is our latest 64-/32-bit XServer based software addition. AceaXe Plus contains not only 64-bit version of our Xserver but also all other software packages we produce: WinaXe (32-bit Xserver), nfsAxe (Windows NFS client and NFS server) Axessh (Windows SSH-client), plus plenty of other useful networking applications such as LPR, LPQ, LPRM,  FTP and TFTP

AceaXe Plus provides You an opportunity to get a solution that smoothly combines Your Xserver  needs of today and tomorrow. 

You might have a mixed Windows environment with 64- and 32-bit platforms or then You are planning to upgrade to 64-bit architecture later in the future. With AceaXe Plus you can secure your investment and enable a smooth upgrade to 64-bit environment now or later since it contains both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of our Xserver in one package.

Notice: Current version has been tested with: AMD Athlon 64 / Windows XP Professional x64 Edition.



AceaXe Plus
64-/32-bit X-server and ssh-client
> Download now!

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